Wednesday 1 November 2017

2 Steps Forward and 1 Giant Leap......

Hurrah it is 2 steps forward and 1 giant leap into the bath..... If you know me this is heaven... as I normally tend to spend anything from a hour - 2 hours relaxing in the bath! Don't get me wrong... I have had a bath in the last 6 weeks but it has been with a blue shower cover on my brace. So... to actually be in the bath with both legs in the water was amazing!  I have to wear the brace to get into the bath and getting out but can take it off once I am in it..

Today.... I had physiotherapy at Stanmore Hospital... I was supposed to be able to bend my knee by 90 degrees today but you know what let's not focus on what I couldn't do and focus on what I could.... WAHOOOOOO.... a bit whopping 85 degrees.. This is great progress from the 56 degrees I managed previously. It hurt loads to get it to the 85 degree mark but I will get there pain-free as it is supposed to be. I can get my knee to about 80 without any pain but pushing that little bit more hurts big time!
I can feel the muscles in my legs getting stronger.. not only can I feel the difference I can see the difference as the big dents I have in my thigh as starting to get smaller plus my bingo wing calf muscle is starting to take shape again.

Exercises are similar to before but this time more weight is going through my operated leg. Plus I am allowed to start to work towards walking with one crutch for 5-10 minutes at a time but still need to have two for when I am tired or have overworked the muscles... The good old 'disco leg' still happens. I also have exercises to do on the stairs as I can't really avoid them for the rest of my life!

I did have a little chuckle to myself as it reminds me of my training for my little bike ride from London to Edinburgh and whenever I came across a big hill and was tired I would turn around and find another route.... shame I couldn't do this on the 'real' ride!

On Sunday I went to West End Bares and boy oh boy it was an amazing show. Every year I think there is no way they can top last year... but every year I am wrong. Ruby Strippers was awesome. So many West End Stars, make-up artists, back-stage staff, producers, directors, dance captains you name it they are in the list...  give up their time to put on an one-night only show.

The staff at the Novello Theatre were so caring. They made my night more enjoyable by allowing me to access the theatre with less steps and a member of staff assisted me to my seat as I left my mum and uncle in the restaurant as I was worried I would not make it in time! I couldn't thank the staff enough for the help that they gave me. The doorman was sweet too and we shared war stories as he had dislocated his knee when he had a motorbike accident in the summer.  The after-show party was at 100 Wardour Street again the staff were amazing there.. A lift to enable me to get to the ground floor is just over there madam do you need any help. No I am Ok thanks.... Then access to the VIP section so that I was able to put my leg up on the sofa. Ricardo was there to meet all of our needs and provided a lovely service. The Doorman shielded me to walk across the room to go to the toilet. I couldn't ask for a better night out.

Progress from Sunday to today is I am now allowed to walk with my brace unlocked.. This makes walking so much easier. It is strange to do stairs now as well as it has always been good leg up bad leg down but I am encouraged to go up and down with the 'recovering leg' first.

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