Thursday 11 June 2020

Day 1 of Summer Camp for Adults

Day 1 at Summer Camp 8th June 2020

Well actually it isn’t really Day 1 at Summer Camp….. Last week, I decided I was going to get fit… so naturally I took the obligatory photos front, back and side… but fear not for I am not going to share it here… I stepped onto the scales and I am sure they were shouting at me….. ‘ 1 person at a time!’. Rude….. But to be fair, I can’t really blame them. At the start of Lockdown I was like yeah Joe Wicks PE Class who says a 44 year old female can’t join in with the PE class….. well it lasted a few days… I then progressed to dancing with Oti Mabuse. I absolutely loved these class but unfortunately they fell by the wayside as there was no commitment from me and I quickly took to baking in the kitchen! 
Along with the photos, and weigh-in, I took measurements….. Chest, Waist, Hips and Thigh…. I am not sure if I managed to take them correctly but today when I stepped on the scales I had lost 0.9kg. 0.5cm from my chest, 5cm from my waist, 1cm from my hips and nothing from my thigh. Like I said I have no idea if they are correct but I will take that as a great start to Summer Camp… I had a practice run last week of playing tennis and over the weekend…. I did my first BootCamp session, yoga and pilates…. I absolutely loved it and it reminded me when I went to a Summer Sports Camp… Who say Summer Camp has to be for kids?? Not me…. I am creating my own Summer Camp.
So today…. I started the day with playing 1.5 hours of tennis. I loved it. I could so feel my legs from yesterdays Leg, Bums and Core workout and still the after effects from Saturday’s BootCamp!! But at least I am out there moving…. 
I quickly moved onto another Legs, Bums and Core session today with Claire. Now just to let you know I am not built for speed but more for comfort! 45 minutes…… OMG…… The warm-up starts and I am like….. are you sure this is just the warm-up?? It feels like a full-on workout already so god knows what else is in store for me. The dreaded step…… ouch ouch and triple ouch…. You have got this Gregory…. come on you can do it…. up, down and how low can you go? Please don’t ask as at this rate… I will be sitting on the step and not getting up. I look around me…. there are only 4 other people in the class as you are only allowed 5 plus the instructor and you are on an X… not quite the X factor but…. actually I have no idea what it is…. Claire tells me I am doing well…. I think she is lying and then she tells me she is a brilliant actress…. (Charming!) So I have gone up and down on the step, squatted over it…. pulsed, balance with leg out and many more exercises….. I can certainly feel the burn…. But I am kind of loving it…. I am feeling alive and loving being outside training. I am not really one for doing exercises indoors but hopefully I may fall in love with it again….. Only time will tell. 
Yes…….. legs are over but not the class…. triceps dips……. no please no….. my arms still ache from Bootcamp and probably yesterday’s Legs, Bums and Core…. OK…I know I know… I have gone from 0 to 120mph in three days… Nothing like breaking yourself gently back into it…. But I am making the most of it! I can’t even remember what else I had to do…. but somehow I am still smiling through it and even better I am still breathing! And boy oh boy…. I am sure people on the furthest tennis court can hear that I am still breathing. Seriously, I sound like an old steam train just puffing away.
Core time…… yeah….. I get to lie down!! I could so easily roll up into the ‘fetal position’ or even better just rest my head onto my arms and sleep. That annoying little voice in my head tells me… You can do this. You have this…. We have a little disagreement but the voice in my head wins and I continue…. yeah… I am back to smiling and feeling great that I am carrying on. 
Boom….. Time is up… Get in another fabulous class completed!! 
Lunchtime at home:- A long soak in the bath…. ordered some Epsom Bath Salts from Amazon as I have a funny feeling I am going to ache sooooo much but hey it is going to be well worth it! 
I had tuna pasta salad…. did a few household chores and I then went from the 14 year old kid at summer camp to a 14 months old baby having an afternoon nap on the couch. I am thinking why oh why did I book into BootCamp as well today? Shall I cancel it? No way…. You can do this… stay strong they say but really I am like ow ow owwwww……. will I even make it walking down the stairs or should I just get a tray and slide down them??? 
BootCamp with Neil…. never met him before… as you have probably gathered the drill I haven’t done any classes since joining the club other than tennis ones… oh actually I did Aqua Aerobics a few times… Totally forgot about them but I did love them. I so can’t wait to get back to relaxing in the spa when it re-opens but I keep saying to myself depending when it opens… just think how fit I will be!! 
Back to BootCamp…. oh no so only 5 are allowed in a class but there are only two of us. The other guy has a t-shirt on which looks as though he is fit!! Damn… I am going to be totally exposed. There is nowhere to hide but never mind. I am here to get fit so let’s get on with it. The warm-up starts and I am like Oh boy…. I can feel it already. Neil (the instructor) says we will warm you up and get your heart pumping. GET?? Are you kidding me? I can feel it pumping already. It is feels as though it is going to jump out, it is beating that fast and hard. I really should make a note of what I do in the class so I can report back but to be fair: I didn’t know I was going to write a blog about my time at Summer Camp! Probably a silly thing to call this journey as will it still be Summer Camp in the Winter? When does Summer even start? In my world it officially started today with a practice run on Saturday and Sunday! 
I have no idea of the order that I did things in but I remember doing ‘Cleans’ with a bar. I had to do 10 of these. Then salmon jumps over the bar x 10 and then Russian Twists x 10….. You had to repeat this for as many rounds as possible for 5 minutes… I have no idea how many I did but I know I worked my butt off (well I am hoping a few inches will come off it over a period of time!) and I pushed myself to the limit. Wahoo it’s breather time for 1 minute… In my head, my body is screaming out ‘please can it be longer? Just 30 seconds longer? 10 seconds? Any extra seconds will do!’ I need to have a drink and compose myself for the next set. 
During the breather Neil goes through the next set of exercises that we are going to do. Shoulder Press x 10 then leaving the weight in the air and lifting the legs up together or cycling x 10…. I opted for cycling…. as I didn’t want to peak too soon!! Then it was into a groin/hip opener type exercise… Again 5 minutes followed by 1 minute rest.
Set 3:- Upright rows…. goblet squats followed by some form of burpees. You sooo knew the dreading burpees had to appear somewhere in the workout but why now? Why on the third set? Do you not know how hard I have already pushed myself…. I hardly have the strength to lift my chest off the mat. I close my eyes and pretend I am somewhere else but nope still here… 
Oh no….. this is not good news…. I can feel a little bit of sick rearing it’s ugly head… come on Gregory push it back down as I push my body into that next burpee. Don’t cough as it will all come up. It will be soooo embarrassing. Deep breaths you got this girl. 
Sh!T that is only 15 minutes of exercise done plus the workout and you have to do the rounds twice. What is round 2 going to bring when I am already feeling sick in round 1. I push on… I keep telling myself if I want to get fit so that I can play sport again I need to work through this. Am I going to quit in a game? No way…. it’s 2 matches each and it’s 8-8 in the fifth… I am going all the way!
Yeah I survived another day at BootCamp and my first day at Summer Camp. Get in!!
Yeah BootCamp done and End of Day 1!!

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