Thursday 11 June 2020

Day 4 of Adult Summer Camp

Day 4:- Thursday 11th June 2020

It’s 10pm and I am so ready for bed. Today has just flown by and I didn’t have a full-on day at Summer Camp as both of my Yoga sessions were cancelled. I had mixed feelings about this… half of me was gutted and thought it’s only rain…. I am only going to get a little bit wet. I can come home and have a hot bath to warm up. The other half of me…. was thank goodness for that I am probably over doing it and really should give my body time to rest… 
Unfortunately, even though I find both Yoga and Pilates challenging and I am using muscles that I didn’t even know I had…. (Really I should know my muscles as I am supposed to be studying for a Sports Massage Course….. and I would do anything for a massage right now!) I don’t really see it as exercise…. this is probably because I am more in control of my breathing rather than blowing out of my ar$e in Bootcamp and Squash! I guess I really see if as another form of relaxation and strengthening/conditioning.
I was really impressed with myself though as rather than doing just nothing…. I decided to do some of the exercises I have learnt during the week. This felt sooooo good as I was feeling a bit sore for tennis yesterday evening. Mind you… I did push myself more than usual during tennis last night as I thought if I play hard tonight…. I can be restored and fixed tomorrow at Yoga… I am not sure if this was the right attitude to have but it is working…. 

Tennis Doubles

Blue Skies Ahead
As I pulled into the club carpark…. .It started to sprinkle again…. Oh no…. please don’t tell me tennis will be cancelled…. but fear not as there is blue sky ahead. I saw Matt, the Rackets Manager as I entered the club and it was great news….. hopefully some group tennis sessions will be starting next Wednesday. I shall definitely keep an eye out on the app for updates…
An email has also come through about Personal Training sessions that you can book once a week as from Monday 16th June…. This is all included within your membership at the moment… I am not sure if I am ready to do this but then I think back to the fun sessions… I had when I used to train with Stuart when I broke my leg in 2011 and that I dropped two jean sizes in a really short period of time. I shall sleep on it and see what happens come Monday… (OK OK I know I will probably be booked into a PT session on the Tuesday!)
I ended up playing doubles for just over 2 hours. It was a lovely evening with a little drizzle but before long it was sparkling all the way… Wahoo Mel and I won the either two or three sets against Leon and Sue (a husband and wife team). We mixed up the pairs and it was time for Sun and myself to take on Leon and Mel… unfortunately they were too strong for us and we lost. 
It was such a lovely evening and lots of fun…. It was quite windy which was great as balls that we thought were going to go miles out of the court kept getting caught in the wind and then dropped in. 
In all it was another great day at Summer Camp…

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