Monday 15 June 2020

Day 8 of Summer Camp for Adults

Day 8:- Monday 15th June 2020

Progress/check-in tracker day!!

I was super excited to check my progress today as I could already feel and see the benefits of Summer Camp. So I step onto the scales and get in…… 2.2kg lost. This is a running total rather than a weekly total by the way. Then it was onto the measurements. I was chuffed to bits about all of my results…… Drum roll please….. 4cm off my chest, 7cm from my waist, 3cm from my hips and 2cm from my thigh.

This is so true!! 

Tennis with Mel.

Mel got caught up in traffic this morning so I made the most of lying in the sun and calling an old work mate…. ‘Moon’. It was great to catch up and before I knew it…. I was back playing tennis. It was as though I was on holiday playing. The sun was shining and not a care in the world whilst I was out there hitting some balls. My serve was going really well…. unfortunately Mel has a killer return of serve that is delivered with such fine execution and so low to the net I would like to add! 

Perfect Day for Tennis at 9am! 

Our rallies are lasting so much longer…. is this because we are both getting fitter or our tennis shots are improving or a combination of both? I can feel my legs a little bit achy today but at least I did the sensible thing and I have cancelled this evening BootCamp… I don’t really want to cancel it but I know I need to rest my legs so that they have time to recover as after this game of tennis, Mel and I are playing doubles with Leon and Sue before Mel and I undertake Legs, Bums and Core. 

It was another real close game and set with Mel. So many deuces, your advantage deuce, my advantage. It seemed to go on and on.

Just Chilling before Tennis

Tennis Doubles.

This was the quickest game of doubles ever as Leon and Sue were late…… But it was so nice to see them as it was getting hotter and hotter out on the court and it was only 10:20am. Lots of fun and laughter was to be had.

Legs, Bums and Core with Claire.

I absolutely love this class even though it involves the dreaded ‘step’… Now that isn’t the naughty step but sometimes I feel as though I should sit on it as I can’t always keep up but you know what I am trying my hardest. I also feel as though I am lasting longer before my knees need to have a little rest. 

Claire is so full on energy and she has a lovely bounce in her walk when we ‘walk it out’…… My walk is somewhat lacking in bounce…. But it will get there! So we start with a gentle little walk and introducing shoulder shrugs and then roll-backs. Big move and heel raises. Walk it through…. feet wide and use your hips more. Step-taps, arms push across and then to the ceiling.. or sky in this case as we are outside.. The sun is shining, it is amazing. Hamstring curls. I love it when I get confused Claire will just say ‘anything will do’. I am sure she works on the same ethos as myself…. as long as you are moving you are doing really well!! She doesn’t even sound out of breath as she gives us instructions as to what we are supposed to be doing. Little leg toes out in front and then flicks… 

Change of song… Put your Hands Up for Detroit. (Naturally the hands have to go up at some point during this routine) Marching forward, on the spot and back… then side taps… All the time we are increasing the intensity. Wahoooo….. jogging… then forward side tap and back.. Stay with it…… feeling warmer?? Oh yes……. and more jogging with biceps curls… weight into the heels and arms across across now behind…. starting to get harder as we get onto the step and walk it through. Left leg and drop off the step…. This is where I already start to hurt… Not sure if it is because I remember doing it last week!!! All the time we are low and therefore working our glutes and legs. Then staying with the leg…. touch the floor and the sky… floor, sky. Oh yes…. Claire you work us and make sure we get lower!! The changes of legs get quicker and quicker. Squat and jump onto the step… I struggle with this. I can only manage a few but that is a few more than last week! We are having to stop every now and again to get water as it is such hard work especially when it is so sunny. But I am loving it. I could go in the shade but nope here I am working out in 24 degrees. 

I have trouble trying to bend the leg that stays on the step whilst the other leg goes to the floor with a light tap and back up. Yeah more squats….. 8 more. We are almost sitting on the step as we are getting lower and lower. Bend your knees. Down and lift the knee and tap. Other side… bend knees, sit back into it right foot up up up. 

So we have been working hard going from the side but now we are stepping back off the step. Front leg bent and back and tap and up. Other leg then back and lift the knee up. Then bend, tap, lift, extend. 

There is no let-up during the session but I am loving it. The satisfaction that you get from doing the class is amazing. The music is fast and keeps you motivated and so does Claire. She is fully aware when people are starting to struggle and words of encouragement are given. I can really feel my glutes are having a great workout. Yes… I get to shake my legs out…. but we are quickly moving into a wider stance… Claire checks that we are all OK… She has a great sense of humour… ‘I don’t want to do CPR but it is OK I can say what I want as there is no feedback on the app’. So in the wide stance we are squatting and then one heel up and hold it down and then pulse pulse pulse pulse. Then lower….. and a little bit lower.. and feel the burn. Heels down and singles. Pull the thighs up… 

Can you feel it yet?? Are you kidding me? Why did you have to say can you feel it YET?? I have been feeling it for the last 20 minutes!! Mel…. hurry up and say you can feel it so we can stop or at least go easy!! Mel is like a machine… she is not showing any signs of flagging! 

Lateral lifts…. balance has completed given up the ghost…. I step off the step and try to do it on a flat surface in the hope that I can stand on one leg… but nope…. Legs are saying no more….. but fear not….. I use the crash barrier that is at the side of the class as part of the one way system! It is as though I have my own ‘barre’ and I am able to continue just having the reassurance that if my legs do give way they won’t snap! 

Hurrah onto our mats for abs work!! I can’t stop laughing….. we are all struggling to get onto our mats… Claire says ‘Don’t spring into action you lot….. There might be someone thinking about coming to my class… and you lot would put them off… don’t go into marketing my class’. I personally thought we would be a good advert…. just goes to show how hard we are working! 

We all finally make it onto the floor and abs here we come…. we are ready for you!! Leg extensions…. yeah this isn’t too hard today. Shoulders higher, extend both legs and crunch… flatten the stomach and crunch…. Breathing out and in. 

Continue to lift head and shoulders and pulse! Roll up and onto your side…. side on plank…. Lift up and bring top knee in and out. Bottom hip from the floor… elbow to knee… OK it is getting harder…. hold it in and pulse…. then hold it…. lift up….. leg lift! 

Other side….. Then normal plank…….. make sure your bum is down…… Wahoooo we have success….. Claire is pleased with us all!! Drop one knee and then the other knee….. just a few more…. and drop…… OOOPPSSS I have gone for the spread eagle! 

Yeah stretches……. oh wow that was totally amazing!!!

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