Monday 31 January 2011

Canterbury 10

Yesterday, I ran the Canterbury 10 (miles).... and wow I was well impressed... I think this must be the best run I have ever done... The race information said that there were 2 hills during the run and the first one at 4 miles...... During the first 4 miles... I was thinking what on earth are these hills that I have been running up and down... if the hill is at 4 miles..... Well.. I had to turn the corner and was in for a nasty shock as the hill at 4 miles..... was not a hill..... in my eyes it was a mountain compared to the previous hills that I was running up and down. Not only was it a mountain it was one that just seemed to go on forever and ever and ever...

I was so pleased with myself as I ran all the way up to the top... OK I use the word run in the loosest sense of the word as it was more like a slow plod up the hill but at least I wasn't walking and I managed to overtake people.... This great me a great sense of achievement and once I got my breathing under control again.. I was back in the zone for taking on the world until I started to think OMG I hope the other hill isn't like that!

Pete over took me somewhere on the course but then PUMP IT came on my playlist just as I was running up another hill.... not the mountain and I was now into another gear and was blasting up the hill. Unfortunately it was shortly lived and he over took me... but the competitive side of me kick in and I thought I can't let him take such a big lead.... so I decided to take the advantage of the downside to the hill... OMG I surprised myself as I overtook him again.... to him shouting you 'cheeky bitch' as I smiled to say haha get a wiggle on!! I had to make the most of it as I gain at least 2 mins onto a mile if it involves a hill and I needed to make up some time.

At 8 miles... my dodgy knee started to hurt and I was like.... oooppsss I forgot to take painkillers this morning.... I shall remember to take them the next time. Pete caught up with at the 9 mile mark and he was steaming ahead but I was not going to give up....

I crossed the finish like roughly at 1 hour 43 mins.... and was able to finish strong... although I did feel a little sick as I pushed myself this time to run rather than my normal stroll. I so wanted to walk just after 8 miles and during the mountains but I kept reminding myself that this was going to be my fittest year ever and Stuart Amory from In-Kilter Fitness popped into my head and wouldn't allow me to give in.

Well chuffed I ran the whole course and shall hopefully improve on my time etc.

Saturday 29 January 2011

4 Mile Interval Training

Well chuffed as I managed to squeeze in my 4 mile interval run before a great night out on the town. Even better that it was under 36 mins.... which meant under 9 min miles.... but there is no way on earth could I run 26.2 miles at that pace but at least it is giving me the confidence again in my running.

Today I have tried porridge for breakfast as I am having the day off..... yuck... not sure if I would be able to eat that before I do a run as I am trying to fight it to keep it down at the moment... maybe if I keep trying it on non-running days I will get used to it.

Also shopping today for new trainers so that I can break them in..

Thursday 27 January 2011

6 miles (last mile brisk)

I just can't seem to stop giggling when they say 5 miles easy and last mile brisk..... No miles ever seem to be easy to me... Mind you tonight's run wasn't too bad as it didn't seem to be that hilly and the advantage was the long hill that we usually run up we ran down tonight. What a great delight and treat that was.

Time for name and shame.... Debbie and Pete were going to cry off tonight's run as it was cold... it was only a tiny bit of snow this morning and besides which it never settled... wimps!! But hey at least they got out there and did it. Dawn was well up for running.. she puts us to shame such a natural runner but she is the one that is sensible enough not to run the marathon... Mind you I can't wait for Sunday 17th April... Only 82 more sleeps to go then the big day will be here and the training will be well worth it.

Tomorrow night is suppose to be Fartlek 4 miles... need to try and squeeze that one in before I go out on a big birthday celebration!!

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Back on Track

Sorry for the delay and I haven't kept this up to-date but I had a few set backs.... Got struck down with my dodgy knee and had to have thousand of pain killers and anti-inflammatory tablets... Just when I got over that I was struck down with the flu... but hey hoe... It's better to get it all out of the way now.

So I am finally back on track..... Last week I managed to clock 25 miles and this week I have done 11 so far and all is well..

Plus I managed to get in a trip to the cinema to see Black Swan... amazing film if you have not had the opportunity to go and see it... you must!

Tomorrow night I am running 6 miles easy... so they say... we shall see about that!

I am having great support and motivation from Stuart Amory from In-kilter Fitness.... If anyone is in Richmond or Wimbledon area then you should really look up this guy and join him on some of his training sessions. Top block... Lost 5lbs with his support and motivation since the beginning of Jan and for 2 weeks I wasn't able to exercise... It's amazing that small changes can make such a big difference... Cheers Stu x