Monday 28 March 2011

WAHOOO I DID IT!!!!!!! Before my target date!!

OMG……… yeah I did it I did it!! I had a target jean size for 17.04.2011…. This was when I was suppose to be running the London Marathon in said target jean size….. so that it would be easier to run…..

Today Monday 28th March I went shopping to buy my jeans so that I knew how much work I would have to put in over the next three weeks….. but WWWWAAAAHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOO I did it!!! I still can’t believe it….. I did it I did it! How bloody chuffed am I? VERY….. what an awesome feeling that I managed to achieve my goal before my target date in just over 3 weeks to go….

I feel so sorry for the people in my office when I go in on Wednesday to show off!! If I am totally honest I didn’t think I would achieve this goal as it was set before I injured my leg… but I wasn’t going to let this prevent me from training….

I had the most amazing support and guidance from Stuart Amory to achieve this goal that we set on 15.02.11 and here we are on 28.03.11 and I have DONE IT!!! When I injured myself on 20.02.11 I thought all of my targets had gone out of the window.. most of them had to be changed as they were running related and the fact that I am on crutches at the moment has prevented me from running in the scheduled events. However…. The only goal left that was not running related was the target jean size for 17.04.2011…… and yes I am going to say it again… I DID IT!!!

I managed to achieve my goal by listening to Stu…. Paying attention to my body and learning to rest rather than just pushing it beyond it’s limits. There has been a lot of tears along the way as my other goals had slipped by but I am so over that now… I had one goal left to achieve that I was more than capable of achieving it. We used a mixture of kettlebell, TRX and bodyweight exercises and wahoooo mission accomplished.

If you also want to achieve great result you could always book onto Ultimate Gym Free Workshop where you will have the opportunity to learn how to use the exercises that I have used and also information regarding nutrition and clean eating.

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Trip Down Memory Lane

Today I said ‘Goodbye’ to my childhood hero…. Ron Gawler…. What a true English Gent, Incredible Champ and Legend he was.  I had the utmost respect for Ron as he taught me so much in my younger days of playing squash both on and off the court. I remember two very valuable lessons from him about winning gracefully and also losing in a good sportsman spirit. Ron spent hours with me throughout my time at Canterbury Squash Club chatting and encouraging me to play… and also helping me with my homework so I could get in an extra game of squash! I also remember him telling me off and I was mortified… I had to play Ron in one of the club tournaments… here I was playing my hero and I was beating him but I didn’t want to win as I respected this guy way too much….. I started to drop the ball into the tin and serve out of court…. I lost a game to him…..  Ron followed me out of the court and gave me one of those ‘chats’ about winning gracefully without humiliating your opponent. I knew this meant that I had to beat him but I so didn’t want to…. Just cos I beat Ron didn’t stop him from being my hero but I was so worried that this would happen. Ron was an amazing all round person and sports champ…. He was a Professional Footballer, awesome runner… completed 50 marathons  20 years competing in the Snowdonia Mountain Race and only took up running at 51…  Squash player…. Was outstanding…. Club Champ and won 10 veteran’s national titles. I was well proud to know that he even managed to get half way up Snowdon on crutches at the age of 72.
Even in his death he will still continue to inspire me to achieve and win gracefully.
I maybe out of the marathon this year but next year I shall complete it and think of him as I cross that finishing line.
I was so glad I was on crutches though today as there were so many people saying their goodbyes to Ron…. Not everyone could fit in… but some kind man gave up his seat. It was so nice to see so many familiar faces too. It was great to remember Ron for his achievements and I was so proud that he was and always will be my childhood hero as he never got knocked off the pedestal that I placed him on. Not many people get placed on the pedestal but Ron was definitely a person that was worthy to be on it.  

Thursday 17 March 2011

Road to London 2011 goes on a slight detour

Road to London 2011 is going on a slight detour but it’s not the end of the world. I injured my ‘good’ leg on 20th February and I did the sensible thing for once and stopped! So I haven’t done any running since then but I have continued to train with Stu, the good old faithful Kettlebell and TRX. I would have been a nightmare if I didn’t have these in my life. I remember when I was about 13 and I knackered my right wrist messing around with friends which forced me out of playing squash for a few weeks but there was no stopping me… I needed to play so I taught myself to play left handed!!

Anyway my goals for 2011 were as follows:-
Do a 4 min plank by 15.03.2011…. just so that I could open window 6 in my Advent Calendar… Mission completed on target date with 4 mins 5 secs!!

Reading Half Marathon in 2.05 yeah right I think it was 1:59…. 20.03.2011…. target aborted for THIS year… but there is always next year!

London Marathon 2011 (17.04.2011) in 4.30… not with Stu…. 4:25…. Very sneaky Stu gets you pushing yourself even harder than what you already would have been to reach the 4.30 goal…. Well today I have finally filled in the withdrawal form and hit the send button.

Get into a target size pair of jean by 17.04.2011….. I am sure I will be able to do this as my body shape is changing big time through my workouts with the kettlebell… plus I had a sneaky peek last week and managed to get my thighs and backside into them… I was really shocked my this! Haha

The London Marathon was still a goal yesterday although deep down I knew I was fooling myself….. it is so difficult to give up on something that you want and know that you can achieve…. This year is the fittest I have ever been…. Was discharged from the hospital regarding my dodgy leg… shame I now have a new dodgy leg… something tells me maybe I should just give up on running and do something else… but there is no chance of that happening…. I shall just put the London Marathon Goal to 2012… At least this way I will be ready for it… and I shall be back stronger!! How many sleeps to go?? Roughly 395.

Motivated and training isn’t going to stop just because I have been forced to withdraw from the marathon… I have set myself a new goal…. To run the Royal Parks Half Marathon in October 2011 and get a Personal Best… I haven’t quite worked out a realistic time for this yet but there is still plenty of time to go.

Another goal is to STOP AND LISTEN TO MY BODY….. which I have already started to do… I gave myself until 5pm to withdraw from the marathon and I have already sent the form off by 9am! Well proud of myself… I should have done it ages ago but wasn’t quite ready to give up the dream of running the marathon becoming a reality in 2011…. Just looks like this will take place a year later… so it’s no big deal in the grand scheme of things. Now I can concentrate on getting my leg fixed and start with a few 5K’s and 10K’s at least this way I will increase my speed.

Yesterday……. I had the most amazing and awesome session with Stu…. This was definitely what I needed this week….. been a little bit stressed as I knew the Marathon goal was slipping away and it didn’t matter how hard I trained without using my leg or whether I rested my leg I knew I shouldn’t be getting to that start line. Is was silly to try and kid myself if I can just score a few hours or days without hitting a 6 or a 10 in pain… I have ever chance… oh well… so over that now…

My session was my best one by far……. 100% in the zone for the session…. Mixture of kettlebell and TRX and boy was it tiring. I really went for it today as I knew the technique to swing correctly and I didn’t have to think about it too much… just that I need to snap the string tense the core and put in 100% and some into it! I think I defo did this.

My dodgy leg started to play up but nothing major….. too much standing was playing on it but Stu is ‘the man’ and off we go… for a walk… haha a walk what a nightmare…. I am having to walk….. I bloody well want to be running but it’s just what I need… then we are back on programme…. Swinging and effort is amazing…. Getting tired and tired and really going for it. Onto the TRX for exercises and back to Kettlebells…. Got some ‘new moves’ on both the TRX and Kettlebell….. Then what a mere.. I do something to my old bad leg….. what a wally…. I didn’t even do anything wrong and here I am in bloody agony…. Stu doesn’t even have to say anything…. Like and you still want to run the marathon as I now know I am defo out!
‘Louise where are you going?’ says Stu…. As I am walking away… OMG… how embarrassing…. I have just been sick!!

Oh great….. there is me thinking I am going to have to stop but nope wahoo…. Stu’s magic hands and other exercises do the trick and my leg is OKish. I am so glad we carried on with adapted exercises as I left my session feeling really good but also with a reality check that I needed to withdraw from the marathon.

Then we have the “Let’s Talk’ chat……. I am starting to get better at this…. Still need to learn not to say ‘it’s fine’ but I am getting there. We discuss the marathon and next years marathon… new goals……. I am defo looking forward to working towards them…. Just because my goal of the London Marathon 2011 is over doesn’t mean I have to give up… I have just moved the goal post… and it’s going to be fun and hard work training towards them.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Awesome Tuesday!!

Today Tuesday I woke up really crap as I had such a shit day yesterday. This will tell you why I had such a crap time……

I took last week off work as I was in loads of pain with my leg and yesterday I thought right enough is enough get yourself back to work.. take yourself off the painkillers as you need to be off these if you have any chance of running The Marathon! BAD MOVE!! But hey at least I have learnt from it…

I saw my boss on my return to work… unfortunately he asked the dreaded question.. how are you? Well I thought to myself I am feeling really f’ing crap I probably shouldn’t even be at work.. oh no.. That’s right I am not suppose to be in work as officially I am on annual leave but thought why waste a day… I don’t need it off.. I will ask for Wednesday off instead. So I put on a big smiley face and tell him I am really well thanks and it’s good to be back… I had to lose eye contact quickly, hoping that he wouldn’t see right through me…. But he said Are you really? Unfortunately I can’t lie to save my life so I had to say yeah I am fine but not really… then whoosh the floodgates opened…. This is so not what I needed this morning…. However, he was really really supportive and looked at ways as to how I could manage to remain at work and make things easier for me. Plus we discussed the fact that I still want to run the marathon and was supporting my decision as to whatever it was going to be… the more I talk about it the more I know I won’t be running it this year but I cannot quite get myself to fill in the form…. The worrying thing is I am actually thinking I can’t even cope being on my leg all day walking up and down the corridor and stairs and just by some small miracle if my leg is better… I WILL BE RUNNING THE MARATHON on 17.04.2011.

The day gets worst and worst….. friends are really supportive.. I am trying to put on this massive smiley face but I am not fooling anyone other than myself…. Anyone would think I was sponsored by Kleenex with the amount of crying I have been doing. I end up going back on my painkillers and keep thinking to myself by me taking these this is giving me false hope that there is that slim chance I will be running… hence why I took myself off them in the first place. However, by coming off them has made me realised that I really do need to go back to my doctors.

So today Tuesday the day I woke up…. I was feeling crap with a score of minus 5! Not a great start to the day I am thinking to myself. It’s one month since a met Stuart Amory…. And today was one of my first targets which was to complete a 4 minute plank… Mentally… I was thinking shit I don’t think I will be able to do this as Stu told me last week not to do plank training… but training and target day in my eyes are different.. so here I go!! 1 minute and I am solid…. 2 mins semi solid and thinking I am a little bored of this but it’s OK as I am watching a really awesome youtube video that is keeping me going… 2:30 mins and I am well and truly struggling but there is no way I am collapsing in a heap just yet… 3 mins 15 seconds… get in and I am defo in Mark’s hurtbox zone now…. 3:45 come on Gregory dig deep.. man-up you have 15 seconds left that’s all… 4 mins 5 seconds… get in I HAVE DONE IT!! This was a bit of a joke target that I set myself as I wanted to open Day 6 advent calendar from Stuart’s advent calendar challenge!! I don’t even eat the poxy chocolate as I am not eating any chocolate until at least 21 April! It was only suppose to be for 2 weeks but then I decided I would reward myself with Kirsty’s chocolates for completing my 20 mile run that I was due to take part in last weekend.. but obviously that didn’t happen!

So already my crappy day from -5 is going up!! I manage to get a doctor’s appointment with my own GP and OMG… someone is listening to me about my leg. Rather than just supplying me with more painkillers he is actually listening to what I have to say.. the history as to how it all started, about the various people I have seen and the advice that I have been given. I leave the surgery feeling 100% better although my leg isn’t and I am having another x-ray on my leg and have been referred for a MRI Scan… Once I actually know what is wrong with my leg I will be able to deal with it and move on etc. Oh and I have been signed off work for a week…. Active rest again as when I was at work I was doing too much.. oooppss.

Reality is sinking in more about not running the London Marathon this year but because I sometimes score between a 2-10.. I keep trying to kid myself…. Well it is only a 2 and if I have more 2’s then I will be able to run. I also think back to last year when I ran 32.75 miles…. I completed marathon miles and I was feeling great although I was very emotional thinking OMG did I really just run a marathon.. but it didn’t count as a major achievement to me as I have always wanted the London Marathon to be my first marathon as everyone rates this as the best marathon in the world. However, I stopped way to long to celebrate this achievement and my other dodgy leg started to cease up but there was no way I was giving up… one more lap and I would have run more than 30 miles which meant I would at least get a medal and a certificate for my efforts…. I put on a big brave face and ran?? Maybe that’s not quite the right word for my movement along the road… but I was plodding along… as soon as I turned the corner I was throwing up my guts and balling my eyes out.. but I had set myself a goal of achieving at least 30 miles and then I could give up and give myself a target for next year to complete the 50 miles.. Well the next 6 miles or so were awful… I could barley walk let alone run.. I had to physically lift my leg with the help of my shorts to be able to put one foot in front of the other… I kept telling myself that is all I have to do is put one foot in front of the other and I will get to the end. My sister comes out on the route looking for me with a friend as I had been ages… and I am like is Mum there? OK so now I panic thinking ooopppss she is not going to be impressed seeing me like this…. A couple more friends and my nephew joined me for the last mile of the run…. 2 and a half hours later I have finally ran those 6 and a bit miles and I am back at the start…. And I have no idea where the inner strength came from but I managed to turn the corner and run to the end! So I think well if I can do that I can do the marathon… however, a friend pointing out to me I was on a different starting level before I did that run whereas at the moment I am already going into with a pain score of 2-10.

So I phone Virgin Marathon and ask when is the last date that I can pull out of this year’s marathon….. the day before… Cool…. So nothing is finalised yet still haven’t filled in the withdrawal form but I know I will make the sensible decision now rather than thinking I am doing it 100%!

My day continues to get better as Make A Difference Trust who I am running the London Marathon for emailed me last week when I told them that I was injured and may not be able to run and they called me today to check that I was OK and not to worry etc but to look after my health. They have also offered me a place to run for them in the Royal Parks Half Marathon in October… This is just what I needed to hear as I now have a new goal to work towards.. although I am not 100% giving up on my marathon goal at the moment… This weekend I am suppose to be running Reading Half Marathon as another target goal that I set with Stu but again… I won’t be able to achieve this goal so now I am re-thinking my goals and have decided I am going to beat said target goal for The Royal Parks Half Marathon in October!! This is making me feel sooo much better already and making me edge more to pulling out of this year’s marathon… nearly there but not quite….

Oh and I have booked a holiday end of July! Something else to look forward to as well…

It’s amazing how you can turn around such a crap day into a really amazing one… score of -5 and now I am unable to score it as I just can’t seem to cap it at the moment as it is just getting better and better.

Ultimate Gym Free Workshop

Wow that was an awesome day I had on Saturday…. Just in case you have no idea what I am referring to…. I attended Stuart Amory’s and Mark Raynsford’s Ultimate Gym Free Workshop

After spending the whole day on Friday worrying about what to pack in my lunchbox… I finally settled down to sleep but I was so excited and worried that I would miss my train I woke up at 1:30am… Great only a few more hours then I will be getting up…….4:40 arrives and I am up and ready to rumbbbbbbbllllllleeeeeee…. I have my breakfast then I have to call my mum to wake her up to give me a lift to the train station as I can’t drive at the moment cos my leg is still a bit dodgy… OMG… the reality has just sank in… I can’t drive a mile down the road in my car but I still want to run 26.2 miles…. OOOPPSS but I still have 28 days to make that final decision… not quite ready to make it even though I know what I should be doing.

5:32 and I am on the train to London…. Wahoo…. I am finally on my way… How on earth can I be soooo excited at stupid 0’clock in the morning…. I could have taken a later train but I wasn’t going to risk being late as it would have meant I would have arrived just on time… if I was lucky.

Some of my mate’s are like why on earth are you getting up so early to travel ALL the way into London for a workshop… whereas others are really supportive and know that this is what I really want to do. Well the reasons for me doing it is obvious in my eyes… sometimes you have to travel the distance to make the difference… especially if you want to train with the best… can’t comment on Mark until I have met him but going on my PT sessions with Stu….this was more than enough motivation for me to get up at 4:40 with a dodgy leg. Just putting my trainers on; I am already in pain and that is without negotiating any steps that I have to make on my journey …. But I know once I get to London everything will be OK.

Kim (leccybird) arrives…. Wahoo… the nervous giggling starts….. Loving Kim’s workout kit… with her killer heels… I so hope she has remember to pack her trainers in her bag.. Others arrive too….. such an awesome buzz of meeting fellow gym free attendees… Keep getting told off for laughing…. As it’s too early and the neighbours are probably in bed!! 

Kim's Killer Heels and new hair do and nails!!

A few others arrive…. And I recognise Ruth who messaged me on Twitter and was also sharing the nerves of attending the group.

Introductions are given by Stu and Mark as to where they have come from and their motivation and reasons for wanting to motivate all those attending the workshops to get fit and healthy. I already knew Stu’s background as I had checked him out big style before I made one of the best decisions in my life to take him on aboard my little road trip to completing the London Marathon in 2011… but that’s a different story altogether! It was good to see not only was Stu human so was Mark with his previous lifestyle.. but he can tell you all about that when you attend the workshops.

Then it is time for some action… wahoooo… everyone is on their feet but not for long loads of different exercises to warm us up… and I am thinking this is just the warm-up you have to be kidding me… surely it’s part of the workout itself!! Pulse is going ten to the dozen and I am loving it… It was such a buzz not to have a care in the world and leaving all work related stuff behind for 8 hours.

I can’t remember the order of ‘play’ for the workshop I am afraid but we were shown some amazing bodyweight exercises. Now if you are having doubts that you cannot do something… you really need to get those negative thoughts out of your head. Due to my injury I was not able to do some of the ‘planned’ exercises but both Stu and Mark came up with alternative exercises for me to complete so that I was still able to work just as hard as the others but within my limitations. I was aware that Stuart was keeping a watchful eye on me to make sure that I didn’t do exercises that would cause me more pain to my leg but I was sensible anyway not to attempt them but use some of the exercises I was shown and to ‘mix them up'.

Goal Setting and chunking was awesome given by Stu.. This was a major key part for myself as my goal is to run the London Marathon 2011.. not 2012 but this year. So goal number 1 was the London Marathon 2011… Unfortunately when it came down to the daily tasks as to what I had to do to achieve this goal.. I knew there was a 90% chance of it not happening as using that good old thing SMART… it wasn’t!! Realistic?? Potentially it is if…. And yes I know it is a very big IF… my leg is fixed in time. I have had this injury now for 3 weeks and there appears to be no let up in it… but if I get to that start line… I was cross that finishing line no matter what.. (wrong attitude to have.. I know)… but like I said I am 90% there to saying ‘pull out’ rather than ‘you are quitting!’.. which is better than Wednesday as I was doing it 100% no matter what. This week I am looking at giving myself some new goals to achieve but at the moment if I am totally honest I have no idea what these are going to be but I am sure I will get there… I know I should really get off this emotional rollercoaster ride and pull out by the weekend… I have gone online so many times to fill in the withdrawal form but I can’t quite bring myself to doing it as that means it is final… I am definitely out of the game for 2011. Deep down I know I HAVE to but I am hoping there is just some slim chance that I might be able to make this goal this year.

Mark gives a talk about nutrition and sleep… Now this guy certainly knows what he is talking about! I have already introduced Spelt pasta rather than normal pasta into my diet and I have certainly noticed the difference, as it is so much lighter. I need to make a few other changes but I am getting there. Good-bye Rosemary Conely (not though I follow it 100%) and hello Mark Raynsford!! There was soooo much information to take in and I am sure Mark could have run a workshop just on it’s own about nutrition and supplements. I am not 100% sure if I buy into the supplement thing yet but that’s my choice and opinion at the moment but I will probably try bits of it gradually over a period of time… I mean after all I tried that disgusting Green Tea (s^!$)… It was nice at 6am when I was half asleep but come 3pm… yuck gross thanks but no thanks! However, I may try something else.. who knows.. mind you I hardly drink tea or coffee anyway. I know that I will be using the information I received during this part of the day to look at my food intake (not diet!!) in more detail and make some changes to it. I am going to get myself organised and follow the food plan and recipes and stick to it as it seems so much easier to do than counting points and thinking is that less than 5% fat!! Haha You will know what I am referring to you know… when you attend!!!

Wahoo then it was my good old friend the KETTLEBELL!! Since I have started training with Stu, the kettlebell has become one of my best friends….. Pressure was on… cos I am thinking OMG… if I don’t do this 100% I am soooo in trouble!! I have already had 2 kettlebell sessions with Stu and I was rubbish the first time…. But I am getting better at it and more importantly I love working out with them. Stu is brilliant at explaining and demonstrating the correct technique and kept a watchful eye on us all to make sure we were snapping the string with our thumbs to our bums and thumbs to the sky… all we become clear! There are so many things that you can do with a kettlebell… I learnt new swings and snatches and jerks,,, figure of 8 and loads loads more!! Please make sure you use the correct technique to pick up and put down the kettlebell… I learnt the hard way to do this as I failed to do it once.. and I have had to run to trees and carry the heavier kettlebell back to the car. On the more serious side.. think of the long-term damage you are doing to your back.

There was plenty of time for Q & A throughout the day and lunch… but there was also a time slot for this to happen….

Finally we finish with the good old DIRTY THIRTY!!! OMG… it was awesome… I am afraid we have all signed the Stuart Amory and Mark Raynsford Official Dirty Thirty Secrets Act 2011… so there is only one way of finding out what this is all about! However….. I would like to say I ran 32.75 miles (in one go) last year and the Dirty Thirty was more knackering than that! The added bonus was it was a lot less HOURS, less physical pain on my knee and 100% enjoyable without any tears..

I know I am bias as I train with Stu but I wouldn’t try to sell something to my friends if I didn’t believe it in 100%. If you have any doubts about whether you should attend this workshop or not.. YOU SHOULD!! Forget things that maybe going through your head… am I too old? Am I too fat? I’m not fit enough to attend! I won’t be able to do the exercises because of x y or z…. I had my doubts as to whether I should attend the workshop due to my dodgy leg.. I had a good old chat with Stu and exercises were adapted so that I could fully participate. If you have any concerns… email either Stuart or Mark as they are both really approachable guys that would be willing to genuinely spend the time with you that you deserve to alleviate your fears.

Then it was down the pub to celebrate our awesome day together... see I told you they were both human!!

Friday 11 March 2011


How EXCITED am I??? VERY… Today I have spent most of my day getting organised for Stuart Amory’s and Mark Raynsford’s Ultimate GYM FREE Training Workshop!! What do I pack in my lunch box…. Will they be checking them to see if we pass a test? Messages from others on Twitter what are you taking for lunch… what are you wearing?? Looks like will are all in the same boat and worrying.. haha this so reminds me of the first time that I met Stu… But I have decided not to worry.. We are all there to learn and make the necessary changes.

I don’t think my mum was impressed with me when we went shopping today… Louise shall we get this, shall we get that… I hate shopping at the best of times but today I was like.. no….. shall we go shopping on Sunday after I have been to the workshop!!

I got a new CAKE notebook and coloured pens… If only I was this organised and motivated to complete my PQ but that is on hold until after the Marathon which is in 37 sleeps time… Can’t believe it is now Day 19 without any running. I am not worried that I haven’t been able to run… as training hasn’t stopped and I still have 30 sleeps to improve my leg… I think it is getting better since I have been on the stronger anti-inflammatory tablets.

This afternoon I had a TRX workout in the garden… It was awesome fun. Loved it.

I am so glad I am going on the workshop tomorrow as it is making me even more motivated and determined to rest my leg so that fingers crossed it will be fit enough to run the marathon. Also can’t wait to meet the others that are on the course…..

See you bright and early in the morning!

Wednesday 9 March 2011

ALL goals achieved!!

Today I set myself some goals these were to have an awesome day and to make a few people smile and giggle along the way.

I was up early as I needed to call the Doctors at 8am to try and get myself an appointment today. I was trying on one line whilst my mum was trying on the other…. Result managed to get one ay 9:50. Just a slight problem I can’t drive at the moment so I had to call my big sister to come and collect me!

They have changed my anti-inflammatory drugs to stronger ones….. so fingers crossed this will do the trick…. But yet again I have been told see how it goes and come back in a weeks time! A week?? You have to be kidding me…. I want to be running Reading Half Marathon on 20.03.11 so I need to be ready NOW!! I know I am going to have to pull out of my 20 mile run this Sunday but next Sunday… I was hoping to be back…

Anyway things are looking up as I have a session booked with Stuart which I am also dreading at the same time; as he is now going to see how bad I am limping… BUT…. like he said…. just because I can’t run doesn’t mean training has to stop.

Oh pooh…. It’s let’s talk……… What is going on?? OK someone is still in denial… which is me! One minute I think I am out of the game and the next I am back in it… What a rollercoaster this has been for the last 18 days. I keep telling myself I have 39 sleeps to go til the Marathon so if I am OK on the day… I make that starting line I am defo crossing the finishing line…. Deep down I know this is totally the wrong attitude to have but when I have set myself a goal which I know I can do…. I am not giving up on achieving it. Yes Stuart you are right… there is always next year etc but that wasn’t in my game plan and I have already accepted that I am not going to make my target goal but shall just go for finishing…. Then the battle starts all over again…. Is it worth screwing up your leg completely? I am thinking well it will only be temporary as it will get better or fixed!! Decisions decisions….. and it’s not one that I am ready to make just yet as it’s 39 sleeps time and anything can happen between now and then. I agree (well influenced) I now have 32 sleeps time before I make up mind and have agreed that if it is still bad I will pull out… OMG there it is in writing… looks more real… maybe I shall just delete this post from my blog.. pretend it never happened and live in denial until 17.04.11. So tomorrow I have to look at the withdrawal process etc etc

Moving on…. Tears are wiped and the fun begins…. TRX… OMG…. It was amazing and I certainly made someone smile with my lack of upper body strength and huh what did you ask me to do again look! There was sooooooooo much that you can do with the TRX it’s unreal…. Yes Stu I will probably have to call you and ask you what I am suppose to be doing!! Squats, something else…. Pull up thingy and squeeze Louise… Combine the squats and pull up thingy together… Narrow press-ups, wide ones one arm higher than the other one!! OK don’t scratch your nose whilst trying this move as you nearly go splat on the floor! OMG there was loads and loads and loads. Keep your elbows up…. What are you doing? Tense your core… squeeze your butt….. smile stop giggling… what on earth is that? I don’t know… not right I am guessing!! Yeah she did it!! Whoop whoop….. How he puts up with me I do not know! But hey… give the girl a break it’s my first go and I will get better I promise. This is what it’s all about having a great workout and really enjoying it and learning so much. Wahooo…. You can do the plank on it!! More than one plank…. Pffff 4 mins… that’s going to be an easy target sooner or later!! Leg exercises too…. But ooopss that hurt so we don’t do that but fear not back to the squats and yeah everything is fine…. Think I shall have to find a different word for fine…. Maybe it hurts but it’s not that bad…. There was loads and loads of other things too Triceps were used too… haha this is where my lack of upper body strength is defo noticeable. Haha but hey at least it can only get better otherwise I will be splat on my face on the floor.

Cheers Stu awesome day and thanks… I completed ALL of my goals that I set out to achieve. I had an awesome day made a few people smile and giggle along the way…

I met up with my mate Jude at Victoria Train Station and caught the train home together and I told her ALL about my session, which made her, laugh and smile too.

Sunday 6 March 2011

Rollercoaster week…..

Wednesday I was back at the hospital seeing the Emergency Practitioner Nurse. She was a different one from the last time….. but yet again….. she failed to examine my leg apart from looking at it! Not sure what she was expecting to achieve in that… I gave her the history of my leg and asked about second x-ray to rule out stress fracture and told her all about the other bits and pieces of pain that I am now experiencing but alas she did not seem to be interested. She left me and went and spoke to a doctor ( or at least that was what she told me she was doing)…. Came back and said that I didn’t need a second x-ray… So I asked her what was wrong then if you are telling me it’s not a stress fracture and why I am now hurting in all the various different places…. It’s soft tissue injury and can take another 2 weeks before the pain eases…. And gives me lesser pain killers…. Blinking great when the strong ones aren’t really helping.
So off I hobble back to work….
Feeling crap and wished I had booked a session with Stu but never mind…. I settle for a kettlebell workout at home.  1min with 45 secs rest. Double; Single R & L; Alt Arms; Double, Clean Snatches R & L; Double, Single R & L; Double.
Awesome fun and great workout…. So happy as Larry. Then I complete the Plank training workout… Sorry can’t tell you what it is… signed the Stuart Amory Official Secrets Act 2011. So looks as though you will have to wait later on in the year to find out what it is!!

I go to ViPR training down the beach which was awesome fun and has so much potential. I couldn’t do all of the exercises as my stupid leg won’t allow me to do it. So I am given different exercises to complete. Could have done with a longer session but at least I am out and about training… so get in!!

OUCH!!!!!  Today was a nightmare….. I can barley walk and limping really badly and so glad I had physio booked. George and his magic hands helped but nonetheless the pain is unbearable.

Saturday I spent most of the day in bed or on the sofa with my leg up which really helped. I also complete my kettlebell workout:-
1 min with 45 secs rest:-
double; right; left; double; alt arms; double; clean snatches R & L; double; right; left; double; alt; double; clean snatches R & L; double, right; left; double….. Awesome workout… was planning on setting up TRX but am knackered and thought I didn’t want to over do it as Tonight is my monthly planned night out drinking so that I remain on Level 1.5.  I complete my plank training and then I do another 3 min plank get in!!

My night out is slightly ruined by the pain. Painkillers and alcohol can’t even take it away. Just getting out of the car and I am in agony and thinking how on earth am I going to cope with a night out. What a mere first pub we are in and we bump into a local magistrate…. Best behaviour by all but that doesn’t last!! Chum Chums here we come…. Food was great and the alcohol was flowing….. not sure how we managed it but we ended up with free wine!! What a result… No sambuca for me… as I can’t walk 26.2 miles let alone run it for one shot… Stu’s rules and we all know his rules should not be broken!! I was thinking maybe there could be a loophole in this one seeing as technically I am unable to run therefore this couldn’t be used as a punishment! However, I wasn’t going to risk it!!
Had an awesome night…. Ashmore is a legend, so is Liz and Fiona….. I still can’t stop giggling at Fiona’s comedy walk to the front door….. she avoids the pond laughing that she has fallen in it before then stacks it big time in the middle of the lawn!! Thanks goes to Pearson for the lift home.
A few tears were had today as today I have thought I may not be running in the marathon after all, however, I am not giving in to the idea of not making the starting line. As I know if I make the starting line I will defo be crossing that finishing line even if it takes me days to complete it.

Today Sunday… I have spent most of the day in bed with Ice on my leg