Monday 28 February 2011

Swimming and WWWAAAAHHHHOOOOO I did it!!!!

Sunday 27th Feb

Found it difficult to walk this morning….. Not sure why……. I ditched my girlie shoes after 5 mins of arriving at Mr and Mrs Wallis’ wedding reception for flip-flops…. OK so it didn’t really match my outfit but I was not going to risk making my leg any worst than what it already was… I managed to survive the night without an alcoholic drink passing my lips!

Spent most of Sunday sleeping but then went swimming for 45 mins…….. was well pleased…. Did the plank throughout the day but only managed to get to 2 mins 45 mins….. Damn I am short by 15 secs as I set myself the target of a 3 min plank. Although this is not my goal as my goal is a 4 min plank by 15.03.2011.

Today 28th Feb

I woke up hoping to achieve my 3 min plank challenge but I could only manage 2 mins 30 secs. Gutted but I was not going to be beaten!!

I wore my new skinner jeans to work today and I was like wow look at me!!! So many people commented as to how good I was looking and it felt amazing. Although I need to get smaller tops but don’t think I could cope with such a big transition all in one go…. So next month smaller tops rather than hiding behind baggy ones…

As soon as I got home from work….. I got ready to do the 3 min plank……. OMG I did it…. I struggled towards the end but there was no way I was going to fail it this time…… Quick text to Stu and every Tom, Dick and Harry to say get in I did it!!
Then I did my kettlebell workout with the biggest smile on my face thinking yeah I did it….. I know its not 4 mins but that goal looks more achievable now.

Haha just listen to voice message from Mad Stu…..3 min plank…… and he cannot get excited as he knew I could do it….. but when I do at least 4 mins he will be a little bit happy but not over the moon! God that man wants more!!! I bloody well will give him more…. 4 mins 30 secs here I come… maybe not by the 15.03.11 but I shall get there!!!

Saturday 26 February 2011

Kettlebell Workout at home

Well I had hospital yesterday regarding my dodgy leg…. Good news I have been discharged and they are pleased with the muscles in my leg now…. Got to keep a log though over the next 6 months as to whether it locks and pain etc.
With regards to the new injury it may only be soft tissue/muscle injury but they cannot rule out the stress fracture due to the pain that I am still experiencing.. So shall have to wait for 2nd x-ray… Fingers crossed it’s not then I shall start to look at physio again and running…. I am well excited…….

Today I went shopping and was well chuffed as I came home with a smaller pair of jeans…. Whoop whoop…. I can now see that the target Stuart gave me being possible whereas I originally thought you have got to be kidding me…. There is no way on earth will I ever get into them….

I had an awesome kettlebell workout….. warm-up then double handed swinging for 1 min with 45 secs rest then right arm, left arm, double, alternative swinging, double, clean snatch either side and back to double swinging. My heart was well and truly pounding during it…… Ave Heart rate was 140 and max 161…. It was more tiring than running 13.1 miles the other week and for less time! BONUS!!!

Watching the rugby now but really I should be getting ready for a wedding reception…. So best I get a wiggle on.

Thursday 24 February 2011


Tuesday morning… I was up at the crack of dawn busy working…. But OUUUUCCCCCHHHH went to walk to the bathroom and I was in agony big time and that was just standing on my leg. I decided I wasn’t going to take the painkillers, as I was worried that if I did I would end up walking too much on it and causing more damage. I phoned the hospital for some advice but I was told that I had to go over…..
What a waste of journey that was… I explained all the symptoms and how much pain I was…. I ended up being sick twice whilst I was there and was worried maybe I shouldn’t be weight-bearing all the time but the emergency practitioner nurse didn’t seem to care… It was only cos I kicked up a bit of fuss that she told me to take my trainer and sock off whilst she got my notes from yesterday’s trip.
She went to compare my leg to my other one… so I told her depending what you are looking at you need to know that this one is my ‘bad’ leg….…. I have ACL deficient….the ACL is hanging on a thread if it hasn’t already snapped completely by now, snapped the cartilage several times, chipped the bone and got a recent diagnosis of osteoarthritis and an ulcer. I couldn’t believe what she said……. As if I wasn’t already upset as it was…. She said to me surely you shouldn’t even be running…… How I refrained myself from saying to her… maybe she shouldn’t eat all the cream cakes in the staff room I do not know… however, I did tell her my orthopaedic consultant said that I could still run, play squash and rugby.
The end result was carry on taking the painkillers and we will see you next Wednesday to x-ray your leg again.

Wednesday 23rd
Hardly any sleep as I worked from 05:00 hrs to 05:00 and what does the O stand for Oh my god that’s crazy!…. Not good but at least I finished work at 1:30pm and then I jumped on the train to London for another session with Stu.
Yet again I had the most amazing session. I still hurt from Friday’s session…. And yeah more squats!!! Get your arse down and in…… I am thinking it is in…. it’s just big so it sticks out more than the average person! But nope…. got to remember to stick it in and push straight up rather than out and up! Certainly notice the difference when I do it correctly.
Go over the swings from the last session….. haha I managed to save myself with the new swing…. Thank goodness!! Clean Snatch…. Wahoo way to Gregory… You managed to do it….. I think I just need to go with the flow rather than think too much about what I have to do. The time just flies by and it was so nice to be out in the fresh air exercising.
I came away from the session feeling really positive and thought….. it’s OK that I can’t run at the moment. If I carry on doing everything that I have been told to do my Stu and George I am highly likely to make that starting line… I know for one thing… If I am on that starting line I will defo be crossing the finishing line no matter what! It just might not be in the time goal that I have set myself.
I leave Stu and call Staffy to meet up with her but she is too lazy to walk to meet me so she sends me on a little tube ride. I get to the tube station and I pause at the top of the stairs and get ready to embrace myself to the pain of walking down the steps… I think I may have even closed my eyes in anticipation of it… but result…. I managed to walk down them without any aches and pains!! BOOONNNNUUUUUUUUUSSSS
Catch up with Staffy for a good old gossip and dinner….. no alcohol…… Still on Level 1.5 for this month!

Thursday 24th
Feeling really light-headed most of the day…. I am guessing it is due to the painkillers as I haven’t changed anything with my food apart from I am not easting as much pasta.
Completed Day 2 of the Plank Challenge.

Monday 21 February 2011

Things are looking up!!

Yeah...... Now I have got over the initial shock of my leg...... I am thinking positive and that it is just a blip in the game plan and at the end of the day..... game plans get adjusted all the time.... So that is what we have done!! No running for the time being but that doesn't mean that I have to sit on my backside... active rest is the way forward.
Chat with Stu cheered me up.... Just completed my kettlebell workout..... not sure if I did it 100% right as I got confused when I got tired... and don't tell him I nearly broke the rules... but I remembered just in the nick of time (phew!!) I even felt the look of panic in my face!
Enjoyed the workout and was really focused so I progressed onto Day 1 of Week 2 Plank Challenge and wahoooooo I did it!!! Well impressed..... things are good and looking better already.
It's also great to see so many old and new friends are supportive...... to keep me going.... so hopefully there will be no more tears.... just tears of joy as I cross that finishing line in 55 sleeps time!!!

Lots of tears!!

Sunday morning, I was all up and ready for my long run that was 15-17 miles. Was feeling good and thighs had eased from my kettlebell session so I was looking forward to my run.
Once Yvette arrived I headed to Whitstable to meet the rest of the Whitstable And North Kent Easy (I like to call it Elite but we can all dream) Running Society!! God knows who came up with that name but hey I am a WANKER!! What an honour!! We wait for the rest of the group and off we head….. All was well until we bumped into Pete (our nominated Team Coach)… I got a bit emotional to see him standing on the sidelines as he should have been running with us but unfortunately he was jumped on the way back from the squash club last weekend and was still suffering with bruised ribs. As per norm he offered us all his encouragement and support and told us to get on our way…….
As I am running along I am chatting away to Dawn telling her all about my kettlebell session and the fun that I had. She mentions that I am limping… I think cheeky cow no I am not…. As I feel fine…. Enjoying this easy pace that we were running at rather than pushing myself… I had to keep telling myself don’t push hard this is suppose to be a long slow run and it’s about covering miles rather than speed. Mind you 9 min/miles are going through my head… and I am like wow 9 min/miles for 26.2 miles….. how on earth am I going to keep that up but still 8 weeks to go so it’s achievable if I stick to the game plan!
Here I am running into the wind… the rain has stopped… wahoo mind you it stopped as soon as we got out of the car so it’s not really as though I ran in the rain!!
It was good to be having my usual plod of running…. Listening to chill out tunes rather than let’s push myself ones… I’m too embarrassed to even tell you what I was listening to but I loved it… made me smile and giggle… Mind you I was also reliving my kettlebell session with Stu.. thumb to you bum and snap the string whilst I was telling Dawn all about it…. Dawn, Sue and Steve dropped out at the Coastguard House and were heading back home…. OMG Dawn said she was off home for a Bacon Sarnie….. I can’t remember the last time I had one of those… defo haven’t had one in 2011.  Now there are only 4 of us left to carry on to Reculver Towers.
As we approach Hampton….. I am like are we going up the hill or taking the flat along the seafront…. The others look at me and say haha Lou you are running with us… it’s the flat… (secretly I am thinking GRRRRREEEEEAAAAATTTT).
Everything is going well still….. not tired; nothing hurts; thighs don’t ache; nothing is stopping me…….. shame this didn’t last….. Had a slight twitch in my good leg just before 6 miles but didn’t think anything off it… carry on running as I think… it will be OK, I will see if I can run it off…. Then come the stairs…. Got to climb them to get on top of the cliff…. Half way up I was like OUCH that hurt but nothing major… I put it down to the steep steps and think… well it can’t be that bad as it’s my good leg and not my dodgy knee. We walk a little while to recover from the steps and don’t have to run up the hill…. I am thinking I so like this after the hilly run last weekend. All is well and we are back running but this niggle thing has come back…. I am thinking Shit I am in no-mans land at the moment I have only run 7 miles and I have got at least 8 to go… I tell Yvette I am really sorry but you are going to have to go ahead without me. Stupidly… I think… if I stop and stretch I maybe able to run back to Whitstable…. But nope…… that’s not going to happen… I so wanted to run as I thought… well it’s not my bad leg so it can’t be that bad… I know Stuart said that I needed to stop and listen to my body etc… but in my head that only related to my bad knee… However….. I was too scared to risking breaking HIS rules again!! So I make the call home and ask to be picked up… I wave the others off as I hobble towards the car park…. I changed my attitude today thinking…. I haven’t quit my run but I am taking an early rest! This was the only way I was going to cope with not completing all the miles that I had planned to run today.
By the time I got home…. I was in agony… I could hardly weight bear… I have a long soak in the bath…. And try to get my head together as to what I am going to do next…. I call George (Physio)….. when can you fit me in? I need to see you as soon as possible. Result I can see you tomorrow at 10am.
I dose up on loads of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs and head of to London for the What’s On Stage Theatre Choice Awards… I have a lovely eve despite the pain and no wine!! Get in still at Level 1.5

Today (Monday)….. I go and see George and his magic hands….. I tell him what has happened and where the pain sites are and that I hope he is going to tell me it’s not shin splints… not though I know what they are…. Good news Louise…. It’s not that!! Wahoo GET IN is what I think… however, this was short-lived! Lots of different tests, ultrasound, heat massage and something else… He rules out compartment syndrome so we are left with the worst one… a stress fracture…. This is defo not what I want to hear….. OMG… I am crying more than what I was this morning but the pain has just vanished from where it was and it’s now in my ankle and below my knee…. Maybe it’s not a stress fracture after all……. OK think someone is in denial. Way to go Gregory out of the three possible things it maybe… I have to go for the worst one… well if you are going to injure yourself you may as well do it in style. Then some more tears!! What a nightmare… Can I swim? Can I do kettlebells? OMG… I am grabbing at straws here… Anything?? Will I be able to run?? Louise…. You need to go to A&E and get an X-Ray… It probably won’t show anything but if it’s still bad go back in 2-3 weeks time and that way we will know if it’s definitely a stress fracture… more tears…. THE MARATHON is in 55 sleeps time…. This so wasn’t in my game plan! Oh and you maybe in plaster… NOOOOOOO but that will be a good thing as you will be able to do more as the leg will be stabilised etc. Mind you I am now thinking well at least if I am in plaster I will have no option but rest and not attempt to run.
Off to A&E I go…. Like George said nothing on the x-ray… Painkillers are kicking in big time, although I am walking with a limp…. It’s not hurting as much… Shame they started to wear off during the afternoon.
Quick call to Stuart and I give him the bad news….. but wahoo…… active rest means that I don’t have to give up……. I can still carry on with my training but NO RUNNING!! So just a slight blip….. re-grouped….. re-assessed the situation and back on track….. I shall swing my kettlebell later….. thumb to the bum… snap the string… which I have now changed to bend and snap ( from Legally Blonde!!!) but no squats….. Rest tomorrow night and then session with Stu on Wednesday. Think I shall hide my running shoes or something so I don’t attempt to go out for a run.

Saturday 19 February 2011

The Day After for the Non Kettlebell Virgin!!

Today.... I was planning on having a nice lie-in but my plans were ruined by these three taking over bed....  But hey at least I got to watch Toy Story 3 again whilst others were out getting wet doing the Park Run!!

This afternoon, the plan was to go Roller Skating but I had to watch from the gallery as my thighs were still burning from yesterday's Kettlebell session. I'm not sure which is worst Jelly Legs or what I am experiencing today. But hey at least I know that something is working as I now know that I have muscles that I didn't even know I had!!!

I seem to be making a lot of mistakes recently as I put a post on Twitter asking how long my legs are likely to be feeling like this for  as I am suppose to be doing a long run tomorrow.... Mark Raynsford tweets back.......ha ha!! anything new....3? 4? !! I reckon after our workshop...4 !! and as for Stu's tweet.......Ha hahahahahahaha...good luck! X Karen says first time I used mine, I was walking like I s..t myself for 4 days!!!! Lol

After Roller Skating... I pop to the shops.... bump into a mate and tell her all about my workout with Stu yesterday... well that was a giggle and a half in itself... as I get out of my car and give her a demo without a kettlebell.... Not only to her but everyone else entering and leaving the store...  I so hope I am not on the CCTV... demonstrating thrusting your hips and snapping the string with your thumb to your bum.... is probably not the best of sights with a kettlebell.... but when you haven't got one, I am sure it looks far worst!!

Boy oh boy tomorrow's run is going to be entertaining!! Well it is suppose to be a long and slow run.... so slow it definitely will be.... long.... I am not so sure on that one... The plan is to do between 15-17 miles... I will be lucky if I even manage to put my trainers on in the morning... Don't worry Stu I will lunge down to do my shoes up and not bend over from my waist..... see quick learner... I am remembering YOUR RULES ALREADY!!! Thinking tall buildings and trees. I have grown half an inch already! (well maybe not... but I can still dream!)

Well if you are thinking about signing up for the kettlebell workout and have never done it before.... it's probably not a good idea to do it if you have a long run the following day!!
In-Kilter Fitness Kettlebell Workshop and Mark Raynsford page

Friday 18 February 2011

No Longer A Kettlebell Virgin! Thumb to the Bum and snap the string!

I was early to bed last night as today was my first kettlebell session with Stu. I woke up at the crack of dawn.... got myself organised... packed my bag with all my work stuff, change of clothes, spare warm clothes.... you name it.. I packed it... Note to self take a smaller bag next time... typical girl had to load it up! BIG MISTAKE!!! As I had to bring home my new 8KG Kettlebell... Had enough food to keep me going all day as I was sure I needed it and boy... did I need it after my session... Yes.

I arrived in London way too early..... Got to Hyde Park just before 12 noon... My session was due to start until 13:30.... Was so nervous and excited all rolled into one.... was dreading the measurements and Fat test. Once that was over and done with I started to relax a bit but was still nervous as I was giggling and smiling loads.

Session was AAAAWWWWWWWEEEEEESSSSSSOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMEEEEE!!!! OMG.... anyone would have thought I ran a marathon with my jelly legs after the session. I felt so sorry for Stuart as I am so cack handed and seem to have a brain the size of a pea! Good job he had his sayings... thumb to the bum and thumb to the sky as I probably wouldn't have managed it.

I was semi-knackered during the warm up with all the squats... Thighs were burning and I am thinking oh shit this is only the warm-up... there is no way I am going to survive the session at this rate. I learnt sooooooo much it's unreal. Well I managed the two hand swinging eventually....  thrust from the hips, chest up, back straight, squeeze ya arse... sooooo many things to remember oh and to keep swinging! Don't stop swinging... I giggle some more and stop swinging... nightmare... was I told to stop no.... but couldn't manage swinging giggling and advice all at once. Poor poor Stu.... I am sorry I will get better!!

I even did one handed swinging........ well that was a sight for sore eyes... I so knew I was cack-handed and it would probably take time to figure out what I was suppose to be doing.... which way do I turn it again to start off with? Which way does my wrist turn.... there was only one way... as I would have broken my wrist knowing me if I tried it the other way.....thumb to bum... thumb to the sky swap... and thumb to bum, thumb to sky and oppps I forgot to swap oh and had to get a thrust and snap the string, chest up and forward and squeeze my arse again....

It was amazing.... I am still glowing now..... OMG... I even did it with a 12KG... whoop whoop I managed it... Well impressed...

BUT..... do NOT break Stu's rules......  I am soooo gonna learn that one quickly... Remember the correct technique about picking up and putting down the kettlebell... I had to carry the heavier kettlebell back to the car and oh pooh... I did it again.... run to the tree and back... haha run.... OMG that so wasn't running... Big time Jelly Legs!!! I think I ran even worst than what Phoebe did in Friends!! Seriously legs had had it and it felt as though I had already run the marathon but can't complain.. It was a brilliant session and so looking forward to next week.... Shall practice before next session. So much to remember... But thank goodness there is a video on YouTube to remind me.

My legs defo know that they had a workout... the walk back to the tube station was good but blinking Nora... walking down the steps was defo not a pretty sight... mind you going up them was even worst. I so couldn't wait to get on the train and relax.

If anyone hasn't tried Kettlebells you should defo sign up for Stuart Amory and Mark Raynsford Kettlebell Workshop.... see or

Thursday 17 February 2011

Bad Choice!!

OMG..... what a crap run this evening..... I should have gone home after work tonight but nope I left my last client (which was a real draining session!) then headed over to my squash club to refuel and get change. I still had over a hour to kill and I was getting tired so thought sod running with the club... I will go to the gym and run instead.... BIG BIG MISTAKE!!!
What a nightmare.... I start way to quickly and tonight is suppose to be an Easy 10 mile run... yeah right... So why on earth do I set the treadmill at 12KMP??? I have no sodding idea apart from I have it in my head that I need to run 9 min miles.... I think if I can do this for 3 miles I can then slow it down... Then I have the battle in my head.... it is suppose to be EASY.... and there is no way this is easy.. so here we go up/down/up/down goes the speed. Absolutely knackered. Only manage about 4 miles.... and think why oh why do I have to be like a kid and fiddle with the buttons..... I have even tried covering the screen with a towel before but that doesn't work... I just remove it and do the same.... I so should have just gone for a run outside on my own rather than waiting a hour to go running... But never mind 4 miles was better than no miles.
Early to bed tonight as I have my first Kettlebell with Stuart tomorrow lunchtime. I just hope I can sleep tonight and not be too over-excited like the fat kid that loves chocolate!

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Plank Challenge and Mens Squash Match

Set the alarm nice and early and got up for my plank challenge... Wahoo done it
OMG... how disorganised was I tonight.... I got myself organised for tomorrow's run after work and packed my brace in the wrong bag... by the time I realised I had driven 25 miles so thought it was too late to go back for it now...
Quite pleased with the way I played even though I lost 3-1. Shots were loads better just wasn't that keen on changing direction. Slight problem with a game of squash but hey hoe.
Had a great day at work and booked my first session with Stuart on Friday.. working from home.... with a lunchtime workout in Hyde Park... Got to love modern technology so that I can work on the train on my way to the session... Not sure if I will be working on the way home but will probably be fast asleep..
Dreading the first part of the session... measurements and the dreaded FAT test! Then  a lot of swinging... not from the trees but Kettlebell swinging. So I am gonna learn the tricks of the trade before Stuart and Mark's Kettlebell tour.. check out for more details..
Well I have already been told off that I have to go to bed and get my 8 hours.. so night all

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Wow what a great weekend and awesome day today

Sunday 13th February... I ran the Deal Half Marathon. My goal for this run was to complete it in 2hour 22 mins. This would have been a Personal Best by 5 mins as I completed the Royal Parks Half Marathon in Oct 2010 in 2hours 27 mins which was my quickest SO FAR!! (please note the so far there!) I spent most of Saturday sorting out tunes to keep me plodding along... however, there was no plodding for me on this run. I remember what Pete said start slow.... yeah right I was on a flat so I was going to make the most of it. So off I went on my way aiming to complete the 13.1 miles in 2:22. I kept thinking I should slow down as there is no way I would keep this up for 13 miles.... but there was no stopping me... not even the hills were going to get in the way. Well they sort of did as they slowed me down a little but I made up for it on the downhill and the flat. Several times I had to check my watch to make sure I hadn't stopped it by accident as I kept thinking OMG.... am I really here already.. now that wasn't in the plan but I shall just go with the flow. I kept thinking I should be tired by now as I normally am but nothing seemed to get in my way. I just thought you know what Gregory you are so much fitter than what you were in Oct so I can do this. I was also better prepared. I had a good night's sleep and a decent breakfast to keep me fuelled. As the lovely Stuart Amory says... You wouldn't drive a car on empty so why should you run your body on empty. I refuelled on route with jelly bellies... I just can't seem to stomach the gels.. mind you I have only tried one... but the jelly bellies seemed to do the trick and I crossed the finishing line in 2:12 mins... WAAAHHHHHOOOOO a Personal Best not by the 5 mins that I set myself but by 15 mins. Get in!!! I had to check several times to make sure that I hadn't stopped my watch but there it was on the big official clock!! OMG I still can't get over it two days later!! I have never been so proud of myself in all my life. Plus there was a snickers bar in the goodie mug.... and I even turned it down giving it to my mum as I have had no chocolates or crisps since 1st Jan.
Today Tuesday 15th February I had my consultation with Stuart Amory from In-Kilter Fitness. Boy was I nervous about meeting him as he wanted to get inside my head... He already was in there from his amazing motivational saying and video messages from his Advent Challenge and Health and Fitness Challenge 2011. I giggled throughout most of the consultation as I was sssssoooo nervous and was like OMG I am really doing this... I am going to make changes to improve and get fitter. The 20 million dollar question came why? Why what? says I.... Why am I wanting Stuart to be my Personal Trainer..... hhhmmm I pondered a little while... probably cos I was thinking does he mean why do I want a Personal Trainer or why him...... Anyway the reason I chose him was because he had already made big changes for me... probably without him even realising what he had done.... there was a bottle of Red Wine in the background of his Advent Challenge on Day 15..... excellent the guy is human.... his girlfriend makes the most amazing chocolates.... (not though I have tried any yet...) therefore if she makes them I am sure he eats them!! His video challenges made me laugh which is really important and he is really passionate about his job... Before the consultation was over I had already signed up for 10 sessions.. Not at any point did Stuart try to sell me anything... I think I had already made up my mind before meeting him but here I was committing myself to ten awesome sessions. We set goals and targets...... I had an great abs workout during it..... as I couldn't stop laughing... Poor Stu probably thinks he has a right loon on his hands... Had to discuss the dodgy knee and that I MUST LISTEN AND REST.... OK Stu you win... even on RACE DAYS.... apart from one day... The Marathon.... ow way am I quitting on that day... sorry..... the other races I will play by your rules.... but sometimes rules are there to be broken and it's one day only.... Oh right now Zoe has popped up saying 'Yes Louise... It's one day of your life and not the rest of your life!'
Next session is next week with Stu.... and wahoo.... we get to have fun and play time!!
Loved his style as well as it's not really about 2:05 but 1:59... GET IN!!

Sunday 6 February 2011

What A Great Weekend For Personal Bests

Wow what a weekend. I am so pleased with this weekend's running especially after Thursday night. It has really given me back my confidence again. Two personal bests in 5K and 10K.

I completed the Whitstable Parkrun on Saturday morning after a celebrating a mate's 30th with cocktails, wine and vodka but hey at least I didn't blame the 10 second sambuca game. Think this maybe because Stuart said I would have to run a marathon for every shot of sambuca... seemed to do the trick.. However, I had to wake my mum up early Saturday morning to take me to Whitstable so that I could run as I was probably still over the limit to drive. Way to go Gregory... I got a PB by 56 seconds.

Today I ran in the Ashford 10K. I was well impressed as this was to be my second PB of the weekend.. Get in! A PB by 5 mins ( I think... shall check the official result... as I am wondering did I actually remember to press start at the beginning!!)
It was a slow start as it was really bunched together and was difficult to over-take but that may have done me a favour as I probably would have knackered myself out for later on in the run but felt I could have gone a bit faster and taken advantage of the down hill and the hills later were going to slow me down... The hill at 7K (or at least I think it was there) just seemed to go on forever and ever!! Just when you think you were at the top you weren't... you turned the corner and you were still climbing. 
I loved this run and was strong at the finished and battled with some old guy that was miles ahead of me but I was determined to beat him.... felt really bad afterwards but only for a bit as I was well chuffed with the way I had ran today..

Friday 4 February 2011

Negative into a positive

Oh dear.... this is the first time where I haven't enjoyed a run.... Lack of sleep the night before defo does not help. Was a bit gutted as I didn't feel out of breath but my legs were soooo heavy. In hindsight it was a good test though to see if I had the mental capacity to carry on... There is nothing like turning a negative run into a positive one. I so wanted to give up at 3miles as I knew my squash club was just around the corner but I carried on for another 3. Found out why I am finding training hard as well... as the programme I am following is a sub 4.... hahaha what a wally.... it is one from my running club but no-one told me that until last night!! So back to feeling positive about running and I had a look at where I have come from to where I am now and feel amazing again... Wahoo..... looking forward to Ashford 10K on Sunday... bring on the hills!!

Wednesday 2 February 2011

8 Miles Easy

Today was 8 miles Easy.... OMG.... It was sooooo boring as I decided to do it on the treadmill... I made the fatal mistake of watching the K's go up and the time go by. Up and down went the speed... I thought if I ran quicker I could just get it over and done with.. So I had a constant battle as to whether to run easy or push myself hard to get it over and done with... The whole session more or less turn into a 8 mile Fartlek training session but hey at least I did the 8 miles so way to go me!

Not only did I do my 8 miles I have booked a personal training session with Stuart Amory from In-Kilter Fitness as he has been motivating me to get fit since the 1st of December 2010. I took my measurements on 1st Jan 2011 for my bust, waist and widest part of my ass... and I have lost 12.5cms... Well chuffed with the result so thought now I need to push myself a little bit further... First session booked in 13 sleeps time... OMG I am so nervous showing my wobbly bits for the measurements and bodyfat... think my body has shut down with shock!! But still no choc or crisps since 1st Jan!!

I am so loving the results... Thanks Stu

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Week 5:- 7 miles easy

Well it wasn't quite easy and also it was under 7 miles.... We should have gone further up a road but wasn't sure but never mind... it was a great run all the same. 
(1) 9.41 (2) 9.38 (3) 10.23 (4) 9.57 (5) 10.36 (6) 10.17