Monday 21 February 2011

Lots of tears!!

Sunday morning, I was all up and ready for my long run that was 15-17 miles. Was feeling good and thighs had eased from my kettlebell session so I was looking forward to my run.
Once Yvette arrived I headed to Whitstable to meet the rest of the Whitstable And North Kent Easy (I like to call it Elite but we can all dream) Running Society!! God knows who came up with that name but hey I am a WANKER!! What an honour!! We wait for the rest of the group and off we head….. All was well until we bumped into Pete (our nominated Team Coach)… I got a bit emotional to see him standing on the sidelines as he should have been running with us but unfortunately he was jumped on the way back from the squash club last weekend and was still suffering with bruised ribs. As per norm he offered us all his encouragement and support and told us to get on our way…….
As I am running along I am chatting away to Dawn telling her all about my kettlebell session and the fun that I had. She mentions that I am limping… I think cheeky cow no I am not…. As I feel fine…. Enjoying this easy pace that we were running at rather than pushing myself… I had to keep telling myself don’t push hard this is suppose to be a long slow run and it’s about covering miles rather than speed. Mind you 9 min/miles are going through my head… and I am like wow 9 min/miles for 26.2 miles….. how on earth am I going to keep that up but still 8 weeks to go so it’s achievable if I stick to the game plan!
Here I am running into the wind… the rain has stopped… wahoo mind you it stopped as soon as we got out of the car so it’s not really as though I ran in the rain!!
It was good to be having my usual plod of running…. Listening to chill out tunes rather than let’s push myself ones… I’m too embarrassed to even tell you what I was listening to but I loved it… made me smile and giggle… Mind you I was also reliving my kettlebell session with Stu.. thumb to you bum and snap the string whilst I was telling Dawn all about it…. Dawn, Sue and Steve dropped out at the Coastguard House and were heading back home…. OMG Dawn said she was off home for a Bacon Sarnie….. I can’t remember the last time I had one of those… defo haven’t had one in 2011.  Now there are only 4 of us left to carry on to Reculver Towers.
As we approach Hampton….. I am like are we going up the hill or taking the flat along the seafront…. The others look at me and say haha Lou you are running with us… it’s the flat… (secretly I am thinking GRRRRREEEEEAAAAATTTT).
Everything is going well still….. not tired; nothing hurts; thighs don’t ache; nothing is stopping me…….. shame this didn’t last….. Had a slight twitch in my good leg just before 6 miles but didn’t think anything off it… carry on running as I think… it will be OK, I will see if I can run it off…. Then come the stairs…. Got to climb them to get on top of the cliff…. Half way up I was like OUCH that hurt but nothing major… I put it down to the steep steps and think… well it can’t be that bad as it’s my good leg and not my dodgy knee. We walk a little while to recover from the steps and don’t have to run up the hill…. I am thinking I so like this after the hilly run last weekend. All is well and we are back running but this niggle thing has come back…. I am thinking Shit I am in no-mans land at the moment I have only run 7 miles and I have got at least 8 to go… I tell Yvette I am really sorry but you are going to have to go ahead without me. Stupidly… I think… if I stop and stretch I maybe able to run back to Whitstable…. But nope…… that’s not going to happen… I so wanted to run as I thought… well it’s not my bad leg so it can’t be that bad… I know Stuart said that I needed to stop and listen to my body etc… but in my head that only related to my bad knee… However….. I was too scared to risking breaking HIS rules again!! So I make the call home and ask to be picked up… I wave the others off as I hobble towards the car park…. I changed my attitude today thinking…. I haven’t quit my run but I am taking an early rest! This was the only way I was going to cope with not completing all the miles that I had planned to run today.
By the time I got home…. I was in agony… I could hardly weight bear… I have a long soak in the bath…. And try to get my head together as to what I am going to do next…. I call George (Physio)….. when can you fit me in? I need to see you as soon as possible. Result I can see you tomorrow at 10am.
I dose up on loads of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs and head of to London for the What’s On Stage Theatre Choice Awards… I have a lovely eve despite the pain and no wine!! Get in still at Level 1.5

Today (Monday)….. I go and see George and his magic hands….. I tell him what has happened and where the pain sites are and that I hope he is going to tell me it’s not shin splints… not though I know what they are…. Good news Louise…. It’s not that!! Wahoo GET IN is what I think… however, this was short-lived! Lots of different tests, ultrasound, heat massage and something else… He rules out compartment syndrome so we are left with the worst one… a stress fracture…. This is defo not what I want to hear….. OMG… I am crying more than what I was this morning but the pain has just vanished from where it was and it’s now in my ankle and below my knee…. Maybe it’s not a stress fracture after all……. OK think someone is in denial. Way to go Gregory out of the three possible things it maybe… I have to go for the worst one… well if you are going to injure yourself you may as well do it in style. Then some more tears!! What a nightmare… Can I swim? Can I do kettlebells? OMG… I am grabbing at straws here… Anything?? Will I be able to run?? Louise…. You need to go to A&E and get an X-Ray… It probably won’t show anything but if it’s still bad go back in 2-3 weeks time and that way we will know if it’s definitely a stress fracture… more tears…. THE MARATHON is in 55 sleeps time…. This so wasn’t in my game plan! Oh and you maybe in plaster… NOOOOOOO but that will be a good thing as you will be able to do more as the leg will be stabilised etc. Mind you I am now thinking well at least if I am in plaster I will have no option but rest and not attempt to run.
Off to A&E I go…. Like George said nothing on the x-ray… Painkillers are kicking in big time, although I am walking with a limp…. It’s not hurting as much… Shame they started to wear off during the afternoon.
Quick call to Stuart and I give him the bad news….. but wahoo…… active rest means that I don’t have to give up……. I can still carry on with my training but NO RUNNING!! So just a slight blip….. re-grouped….. re-assessed the situation and back on track….. I shall swing my kettlebell later….. thumb to the bum… snap the string… which I have now changed to bend and snap ( from Legally Blonde!!!) but no squats….. Rest tomorrow night and then session with Stu on Wednesday. Think I shall hide my running shoes or something so I don’t attempt to go out for a run.

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