Tuesday 15 February 2011

Wow what a great weekend and awesome day today

Sunday 13th February... I ran the Deal Half Marathon. My goal for this run was to complete it in 2hour 22 mins. This would have been a Personal Best by 5 mins as I completed the Royal Parks Half Marathon in Oct 2010 in 2hours 27 mins which was my quickest SO FAR!! (please note the so far there!) I spent most of Saturday sorting out tunes to keep me plodding along... however, there was no plodding for me on this run. I remember what Pete said start slow.... yeah right I was on a flat so I was going to make the most of it. So off I went on my way aiming to complete the 13.1 miles in 2:22. I kept thinking I should slow down as there is no way I would keep this up for 13 miles.... but there was no stopping me... not even the hills were going to get in the way. Well they sort of did as they slowed me down a little but I made up for it on the downhill and the flat. Several times I had to check my watch to make sure I hadn't stopped it by accident as I kept thinking OMG.... am I really here already.. now that wasn't in the plan but I shall just go with the flow. I kept thinking I should be tired by now as I normally am but nothing seemed to get in my way. I just thought you know what Gregory you are so much fitter than what you were in Oct so I can do this. I was also better prepared. I had a good night's sleep and a decent breakfast to keep me fuelled. As the lovely Stuart Amory says... You wouldn't drive a car on empty so why should you run your body on empty. I refuelled on route with jelly bellies... I just can't seem to stomach the gels.. mind you I have only tried one... but the jelly bellies seemed to do the trick and I crossed the finishing line in 2:12 mins... WAAAHHHHHOOOOO a Personal Best not by the 5 mins that I set myself but by 15 mins. Get in!!! I had to check several times to make sure that I hadn't stopped my watch but there it was on the big official clock!! OMG I still can't get over it two days later!! I have never been so proud of myself in all my life. Plus there was a snickers bar in the goodie mug.... and I even turned it down giving it to my mum as I have had no chocolates or crisps since 1st Jan.
Today Tuesday 15th February I had my consultation with Stuart Amory from In-Kilter Fitness. Boy was I nervous about meeting him as he wanted to get inside my head... He already was in there from his amazing motivational saying and video messages from his Advent Challenge and Health and Fitness Challenge 2011. I giggled throughout most of the consultation as I was sssssoooo nervous and was like OMG I am really doing this... I am going to make changes to improve and get fitter. The 20 million dollar question came why? Why what? says I.... Why am I wanting Stuart to be my Personal Trainer..... hhhmmm I pondered a little while... probably cos I was thinking does he mean why do I want a Personal Trainer or why him...... Anyway the reason I chose him was because he had already made big changes for me... probably without him even realising what he had done.... there was a bottle of Red Wine in the background of his Advent Challenge on Day 15..... excellent the guy is human.... his girlfriend makes the most amazing chocolates.... (not though I have tried any yet...) therefore if she makes them I am sure he eats them!! His video challenges made me laugh which is really important and he is really passionate about his job... Before the consultation was over I had already signed up for 10 sessions.. Not at any point did Stuart try to sell me anything... I think I had already made up my mind before meeting him but here I was committing myself to ten awesome sessions. We set goals and targets...... I had an great abs workout during it..... as I couldn't stop laughing... Poor Stu probably thinks he has a right loon on his hands... Had to discuss the dodgy knee and that I MUST LISTEN AND REST.... OK Stu you win... even on RACE DAYS.... apart from one day... The Marathon.... ow way am I quitting on that day... sorry..... the other races I will play by your rules.... but sometimes rules are there to be broken and it's one day only.... Oh right now Zoe has popped up saying 'Yes Louise... It's one day of your life and not the rest of your life!'
Next session is next week with Stu.... and wahoo.... we get to have fun and play time!!
Loved his style as well as it's not really about 2:05 but 1:59... GET IN!!


  1. Bloody hell lady....get in!!!! 15 minsa thats fantastic
    keep up the very good and controlled not drinking or eating bad things youre doing amazing!!

  2. Cheers Anna.... I will be coming to you soon about my new t-shirt... hee hee as your designs are amazing and I hope you have enter that competition!!
