Monday 16 October 2017

Don't Be So Tough On Yourself!!

Over the last week I have had a couple of wobbles... Now I am not talking about wobbles on my crutches but emotional ones... My physio appointment was cancelled last week and I was worried as to whether I was progressing as much as I should be... I know that I am supposed to be aiming for a 90 degree bend in my knee... whilst remembering all the other things that I am not allowed to do even though my leg feels strong enough.

The lessons I have learnt is not to compare yourself to other people that have had their ACL reconstructed... I was already aware of this as I came to the same conclusion the other day but today when I had physio I was reminded.... Don't forget Louise we are not following the normal ACL rehabilitation plan as you have had 3 in 1 operations. I tend to remind myself of this but every now and again when I am struggling to bend my knee... OK.. sometimes this is because I forget to unlock my brace or I only lock one side.. but at other times it is due to the swelling in my knee and surrounding area.

Anyone would think I was auditioning for a part in 'Frozen' with the amount of ice that I go through to try and get the swelling under control. But you know what... I am getting there... it flairs up when I work through my exercises and sometimes when I am just walking to the toilet or sitting at a table and then the good old ice comes out and I elevate my leg and it starts to get under control again.

During the week, I have treated myself to a Bloccs waterproof cast cover.... OMG... it was so nice to have a bath. Well actually I had two baths and a shower first off! Getting into the bath was a sight for sore eyes... As I can't unlock my brace when I am getting into the bath and my knee on my other leg is also ACL deficient.. It was sheer bliss when I managed to get in. Then slight panic occurred... OMG.. How am I going to get out... I am not allowed to bend the knee as such in transit.. not allowed to fully weight bear... How on earth am I going to get out! I had visions of having to call the blinking Kent Fire and Rescue Services.... Oh the shame.. the embarrassment if I do have to do this... And why oh why did I not bring my towel closer to the bath just in case I was going to have to call them! Please please legs work and arms and everything else so that I can wiggle to the edge and then figure out what to do next...... MUUUUUUUMMMMMM....... don't laugh but can you help me!! Not something you want your mother to see is yourself in your birthday suit!! Mind you I did have a flannel covering a small part of my body!! 🙈 Thank goodness I managed to get out without having to call anyone else!!

I also treated myself to pimp up my crutches so that I am all set to go for West End Bares and to make my life so much easier when I am walking.......
I wish I had these from day one as it is goodbye sore hands and hello walking (within my limits!!)

The waiting room for physio is so entertaining..... everyone tells stories about their surgery and rehabilitation... One lady had injured herself horse riding and she has had numerous operations to fix her... I thought I was bad but she was just as bad if not worst! Then there was the lovely Erica... her and her husband were so nice and friendly. Erica was supposed to be on her final physio session today as she had progress really well recovering from a hip replacement but she has had a massive set back as she broke her femur after a night at the theatre! On a positive note... she got to see the show as it was afterwards and she thoroughly enjoyed the show! So it looks as though it will be more rehab for Erica.. I hope I get to meet her again to see how she gets on.

Anyway today at my physio session:- drum roll please.... my knee bent to 52 degrees... So it isn't quite the 90 but I am over half way!! I was pleased with this but also disappointed at the same time but this was when I was reminded I had 3 in 1 operations. (well after the physiotherapist did!).. so I then went back to be you know what Gregory.. You have done really well and it is more than the 2 degrees you had the last time you were here!

I was given new exercises to complete alongside my old ones and the ones for the dodgy ankle. I spent most of my day completing my rehab and icing but afterwards I feel great especially when I see the progress. I just need to remember not to be so tough on myself and only compare myself with myself rather than what other people have managed at this stage etc. Everyone is different and there are so many factors to take into consideration as to how people's progress will differ from one person to the next.

New exercises are simple yet so effective, I can feel my quads working hard. Every now and again I have to stop as my knee goes into some kind of spasm and then I think please hold me up!! I also have to contend with the other dodgy knee and hope that it does not collapse! I take longer completing my exercises as I actually do them on my other leg as well to build it up due to it having similar problems as my operated leg..

I will be feeling the burn in my thighs soon as I have to sit down and stand up, clench my the top of my leg and then sit down.. this is all with an unlocked brace. Obviously I don't just do one but I have to repeat this over and over again!

I then progress to mini squats and clench the thigh again. Burn Baby Burn... Think I may have to sort out a workout playlist whilst I carry out my new exercises.

As I sit back on the couch and bend my leg.. I said.. oh my leg feels easier to bend and not as painful now it is warmed up a bit... Let's measure it again.... BOOOOOOMMMMMM 56 degrees.... wahooooo getting closer to that goal!!

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