Sunday 1 October 2017


I spent most of yesterday in bed asleep in-between icing my leg and doing my physio exercises. Friday had taken it's toll on me but it's all good as I am listening to my body and not pushing it too hard despite being desperate to bend my knee.

Today Sunday 1st October..... Tesco delivery has arrived....... This is great news as now I am all set to go for Food for Fitness 30 day challenge starting tomorrow.... I have already undertaken this challenge and it's not a tough challenge as the food is great and life is made so much easier as you have your dinner meal the following day for lunch. This makes it so much easier for those that will make the excuse.... I haven't got time to cook etc.

It's great when you surround yourself with others that are taking a similar journey as you as no doubt there will be highs and lows along the way..... The Food for Fitness Group is a great place for this support. It is so motivational to see how well others are progressing. The support offered when you have gone off track or lacking motivation is incredible. The banter is always great too and I just love the competitive spirit especially when it comes to who is going to be crowned King or Queen of the Pancakes!

Preparation is key for me..... My kitchen becomes like a little military operation during the prep stage.... I am not sure my mum and sister think the same... Through their eyes it's more like a war zone! I already prepped some meals in advance once I knew when my operation date was but the Food For Fitness 30 day Facebook group have decided that we are going to refocus for Christmas and  to make it easier I am going to follow the original plan. I won't be sticking to it 100% as I had already a few social events booked in but I shall make smarter choices about what I will eat during those social gatherings.

Anyway.... I have started to look at goals that I want to work towards. I haven't broken these down yet into short, mid and long term goals yet. What goal setting format do I use? 

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Time-Bound
The above I am using as a guidance for my physio as I don't want to risk progress to quickly and damaging my knee or the full potential of the graft from working. I have read the protocol for Stem Cell Grafts over and over again to make sure that I am within the guidelines. It clearly states 
"The repair site is most vulnerable during the first 3 months after grafting."
My goals will be to work hard and hit all of my physio progression targets...

  • Dream-Driven
  • Uplifting
  • Method-Friendly
  • Behaviour- Driven 
Not everyone is SMART or DUMB... so I am going to go with a combination of the both for setting my goals.

It is my dream which isn't a big dream as such but it's to get to the theatre on Wednesday night.... If I was going with the SMART driven motivation... I know this is an unrealistic goal  as it is may not be attainable within the time-frame but you know what each day I am going to give it a go and if I don't get there my next goal would be aim for 29th October. If I get there..... It is going to be totally awesome... as it will be West End Bares 2017.

In order for me to get to the theatre, I need to be able to bend my knee enough so that I can sit comfortably in a seat. Although I managed this on Friday whilst I was out for dinner my leg was not bent enough and it was stretched out over the other half of the table but it was such a massive improvement from where I started on Tuesday with only 2-3 degrees bend!

As everyday goes past it is getting easier to bend the knee to previous days but just bending it a little bit more is so tiring. The muscles surrounding the knee feel so tight and every now again it feels as though something in my knee is going to ping off across the room like an elastic band when you pull it back across your finger and thumb like a trigger. My knee swells up so much when I do this exercise I have to spend 15 minutes icing my leg and then 15 minutes off/on/off/on... You get the picture.

So my other dream is to get back to playing squash... this is going to be at least a year away if I am allowed to return playing but I have been told it isn't ruled out yet....

I want to get back into this dress........
Goal Dress!!

I managed to get into this dress when I broke my leg through kettlebell training and changing my eating habits. I can't workout yet other than my physio exercises so therefore I will be focusing upon lifestyle changes via my eating habits. 

I have also given myself a focus of learning British Sign Language whilst I am on sick leave. So far so good it has been really enjoyable. I need to keep the brain active and remember to slow down my body with pushing to reach targets and have breaks so that I can ice my leg and recover etc. I think I have this under control as I was hoping to go to a food festival over the weekend but I opted to stay at home with my leg up other than doing my physio exercises. 

Just remember you can do anything if you are motivated enough to achieve your goals. 

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